Legal Beagles | Bullying in the workplace

A blurry image of someone wearing a suit and glasses sitting at a meeting table and someone else on their right hand side pointing their index finger at them.

A topic very near and dear to the Legal Beagles hearts.  Cal and Al return this week with a topic causing some stress for well-known brands – workplace bullying (aka exhibit one for Cal’s claim to the Fair Work Commission). But the topic of workplace bullying is no laughing matter. It can cause physical and psychological harm, and needs to…

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Workplace bullying costs business

An image of little white game markers laid out randomly on a surface, with one red game marker knocked over in the crowd of the white ones.

Since its introduction in 2013, the Fair Work Commission’s anti-bullying jurisdiction has attracted its fair share of commentary. Of the 700 anti-bullying applications filed last year, a total of 53 proceeded to a formal hearing, and of those only 8 resulted in an order to stop bullying being issued. This means that the success rate…

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Writing’s on the wall for outdated employment contracts

a black fountain pen with a gold tip lying down on a piece of paper titled 'contract of employment'.

Playing musical chairs with an employment contract can be risky business. This usually happens when an employee doesn’t return a signed contract when starting a new job, and their employer allows them to work regardless. Other times an employee will change into a different role, but their existing contract remains in place. While these situations…

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Sticks and stones: Managing psychological health risks in the workplace

a 3d outline of a head with a 3d swirl in the middle of the head. The background is a light green.

SafeWork Australia reports that approximately six per cent of all accepted workers’ compensation claims relate to work-related mental health conditions. It was further reported that the most common causes of the claims were: work pressure (31%), bullying and harassment (29%), and exposure to violence (18%). Any experienced human resources or people experience professional will invariably have encountered…

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